Dila Noviyanti (22210015)
Ericha Dian N (22210387)
Dewi Kencanawati (21210903)
Ferizah Arina M (22210742)
Yuliana Eka Putri (28210752)
Untuk mahasiswa etika apa saja yang dilanggar ? akibat dan konsekuensinya apa ?
Tidak mendengarkan dosen yang sedang menerangkan
- Akibatnya
: Mahasiswa jadi kurang paham dan tidak mengerti tentang apa yang dibahas dalam
mata kuliah tersebut.
Konsekuensinya : Mahasiswa harus belajar kepada teman yang telah memahami
materi yang diterangkan.
Melakukan demo yang anarkis
Akibatnya : Banyak berjatuhan korban, nama baik kampus tercemar, meresahkan
masyarakat, serta merusak fasilitas.
Konsekuensinya : Mahasiswa harus terima jika dipanggil bahkan dikeluarkan dari
kampus secara paksa.
Mencontek saat ujian
- Akibatnya : ketahuan oleh dosen pengawas.
Konsekuensinya : Mahasiswa harus siap
mendapat nilai E, dan namanya akan dimasukan kedalam berita acara perkuliahan.
2. Etika
yang ada pada daerah suatu daerah. Disini akan dijelaskan etika yang ada di
daerah Jawa, Bali dan Sunda.
Pada daerah Jawa :
a. Sikap Batin yang Tepat
Dalam masyarakat Jawa terdapat sebuah ajaran
moral yang oleh Magnis disebut sebagai “sikap batin yang tepat” yakni sebuah
pendirian batin untuk selalu mengendalikan hawa nafsu dan egoisme (pamrih:
mendahulukan kepentingan pribadi di atas kepentingan umum).
b. Tindakan yang Tepat dalam Dunia
Dari konsep mengenai “sikap batin yang tepat”
muncullah sebuah pandangan dalam masyarakat Jawa bahwa manusia jangan mengikat
diri pada dunia akan tetapi membebaskan diri dari dunia, namun demikian bukan
berarti menarik diri dari dunia. Dari satu pemahaman tersebut kemudian
sampailah pada suatu ungkapan “rame ing gawe, sepi ing pamrih dan memayu
hayuning bawana”. Yang dimaksud rame ing gawe yakni kewajiban untuk
bekerja keras, sementara sepi ing pamrih berarti jauh dari
sifat-sifat egois. Bila kedua ungkapan tersebut digabung melahirkan sebuah
pengertian bahwa orang Jawa hendaknya selalu bekerja keras namun juga harus
mengindari pamrih (imbalan). Kemudian memayu hayuning bawana
ialah memperindah kehidupan dunia dalam keselarasan kosmos.
c. Pengertian yang Tepat
Pandangan Jawa mengenai sikap batin dan tidakan
yang tepat didasari atas pemahaman tentang tempat yang tepat. Barang siapa yang
memahami tempatnya dalam masyarakat, ia juga memiliki sikap batin yang tepat
dan dengan demikian akan bertindak tepat.
daerah Bali :
a. Dalam perkawinan adat Bali, dipengaruhi oleh
dadia atau klen dan kasta. Perkawinan yang ideal bila mana pemuda dan gadis
dari satu dadia atau setidaknya mempunyai kasta yang sama. Sebaiknya anak
gadianya tidak menikahi pemuda yang kastanya lebih rendah bila ini terjadi akan
mepermalukan keluarga.
Dan dalam adat perkawinan bali ada
pantangan yang tidak boleh di langgar yaitu saudara perempuan seorang suami
tidak boleh kawin dengan saudara laki-laki istri bola dilanggar akan
mendatangkan bencana. Dan perkawinan yang di pantang pula adalah bibi atau
paman yang menikah dengan keponakan, saudara kandung atau tiri.
b. Pada saat hari nyepi dilarang
keluar rumah, hotel atau penginapan . Dilarang menyalakan lampu di malam hari dan api.
c. Larangan Saat Berkunjung ke Pura
- Wanita yang sedang menstruasi atau habis
melahirkan dilarang masuk ke lingkungan Pura.
- Dilarang
mengenakan celana pendek. Bagi yang mengenakan celana pendek bisa memakai
sarung yang biasanya disediakan di luar
- Jangan
berjalan di depan orang yang sedang sembahyang atau melakukan ritual agama.
Jangan memotret orang yang sedang bersembahyang atau pendeta yang memimpin doa
dengan menggunakan flash (cahaya kilat).
d. Etika dan Kesopanan di Bali
- Hindari
menyentuh lawan bicara saat sedang berinteraksi.
- Jangan buang air di sembarang tempat.
Beberapa pohon di Bali dianggap sakral, biasanya ditandai dengan ikatan kain
dan sesajen, dan dipercaya sebagai tempat tinggal dari makhluk dunia lain.
- Jangan
mengejek arca (patung), topeng, atau benda adat dan kesenian Bali.
- Hormati
penduduk lokal dengan berperilaku sopan dan santun.
berbagai pantangan, larangan, dan etika kesopanan saat berwisata ke Bali
daerah Sunda :
a. Jika
lewat di depan rumah seseorang, dan kebetulan orangnya ada di beranda rumah
atau kelihatan, seseorang yang lewat harus mengucapkan “punten/permisi”.
b. Jika
lewat di depan orang yang jauh lebih tua dan jaraknya dekat, misalnya dalam
suatu pertemuan atau riungan, maka diharuskan untuk membungkukan badan dengan
tangan kanan lebih rendah daripada tangan kiri seolah-olah tangan kanan sedang
memungut sesuatu sambil mengucapkan “punten/permisi”.
c. Ketika makan, tidak boleh ada suara dari mulut
ketika mengunyah.
d. Tidak kentut di depan orang yang lebih tua atau
di depan orang, apalagi seorang gadis/wanita, sangat dipantang.
e. Diharamkan memanggil yang lebih tua dengan
f. Jika orang tua sedang berkumpul apalagi
kedatangan tamu, anak kecil tidak boleh nimbrung
j. Kalau
berbicara dengan orang tua, tidak boleh memandang mata dan usahakan untuk
mendengarkan dulu.
Sumber :
1. What kind of ethics which are usually
violated by students? And what are the consequences?
a.) Ignoring the lecturer’s lessons in class
- Effects: Students could have some difficulties on understanding the courses.
- Consequences: Students have to ask to their friends who are able to re-explain the courses.
b.) Perform the anarchist demonstration
- Effects: could cause the casualties, could taint the reputation of university, generate social unrest, and ruin the general facilities.
- Consequences: Students should take the responsibilities when they are summoned by the police, they also could be expelled from campus.
c.) Cheating during exams
- Effect: get caught by the supervisor.
- Consequences: Students could get the worst mark and his name will be written into lecture official reports.
2. Ethics that exist in some regions. In this case ethics in Java, Bali and Sunda.
* In the region of Java:
a. Right Mental Attitude
In the Javanese society there is a moral teaching that is referred to as "the right mental attitude" by Magnis, a mental standpoint to always control the passions and egoism. (In Javanese language, pamrih : prioritizing personal interests above the public interest) .
b . Right Actions in the Daily Activities
From the concept of "the right mental attitude" comes a sight of the Javanese society that humans do not bind itself to the world but to free themselves from the world, however, it does not mean that they should withdraw themself from the world. Those concept will lead to an expression “rame ing gawe, sepi ing pamrih dan memayu hayuning bawana”. The meaning of rame ing gawe is obligation to work hard, while sepi ing pamrih means avoid the selfish traits. If both expressions are combined, they will generate a sense that the Javanese should always work hard but also have to avoid the greediness to get a reward. The last sentence, memayu hayuning bawana means that beautify the world in harmony of the cosmos.
c . The Right Understanding
Javanese sight of the inner attitude and appropriate actions based on the understanding of the right places. Those who understands his place in society, would also has the right mental attitude and therefore will act appropriately.
* In the region of Bali:
a. Balinese traditional marriage is influenced by dadia or clan and caste. The ideal marriage happens when where bride and groom are from the same dadia or at least have the same caste.The girls should not marry a lower caste boy since it will embarrass the family.
In balinese traditional wedding there are some restrictions that can not be violated. The sisters of the grooms can not marry with the brothers of his wife because the violation of this law could bring disaster. Another restrictions are the marriage of an aunt or uncle with their nephew and a marriage among siblings or step brothers and sisters.
b . During Nyepi day people are prohibited to go outside of the house, hotel or inn. They also pprohibited to turn on the lights and fire at night.
c . Prohibition when visiting Pura
- Women who are menstruating or who had just gave a birth are forbidden to enter the temple environment.
- Women are prohibited to wear shorts. For those who wear shorts they heve to cover their legs with sarung cloth which are usually provided outside the temple.
- Do not walk in front of people who are praying or performing religious rituals.
- Do not take pictures of people who are praying or monk who leads prayers by using the flash light.
d. Ethics and Politeness in Bali
- Avoid touching the other person when you're interacting.
- Do not waste water in any place. Some trees are considered sacred in Bali, usually marked with fabric ties and offerings, and it is believed to be the residence of the other-worldly beings.
- Do not mock statue (sculpture), mask, or custom objects and Balinese art.
- Respect local residents by behaveing politely.
That are the various restrictions, prohibitions, and manners when traveling to Bali
* In the region of Sunda:
a. When we pass in front of someone's house and see the house owner coincidently, we are obliged say " Punten / permisi (excuse me)".
b . When we pass in front of people who are much older and in short distance with him/her, for example, in a meeting or room, it is required to bow and set our right hand lower than the left hand as if it pick up something while saying " Punten/ permisi (excuse me)" .
c . When we eat, there should be no sound from the mouth when chewing.
d . Do not fart in front of people who are older or in front of people, especially for a girl/woman, It is highly prohibited.
e . It is prohibited to call older people with his name.
f . When parents are gathering with their guests, children should not join the conversation.
j . When talking with parents, avoid eye contact and try to listen first.
a.) Ignoring the lecturer’s lessons in class
- Effects: Students could have some difficulties on understanding the courses.
- Consequences: Students have to ask to their friends who are able to re-explain the courses.
b.) Perform the anarchist demonstration
- Effects: could cause the casualties, could taint the reputation of university, generate social unrest, and ruin the general facilities.
- Consequences: Students should take the responsibilities when they are summoned by the police, they also could be expelled from campus.
c.) Cheating during exams
- Effect: get caught by the supervisor.
- Consequences: Students could get the worst mark and his name will be written into lecture official reports.
2. Ethics that exist in some regions. In this case ethics in Java, Bali and Sunda.
* In the region of Java:
a. Right Mental Attitude
In the Javanese society there is a moral teaching that is referred to as "the right mental attitude" by Magnis, a mental standpoint to always control the passions and egoism. (In Javanese language, pamrih : prioritizing personal interests above the public interest) .
b . Right Actions in the Daily Activities
From the concept of "the right mental attitude" comes a sight of the Javanese society that humans do not bind itself to the world but to free themselves from the world, however, it does not mean that they should withdraw themself from the world. Those concept will lead to an expression “rame ing gawe, sepi ing pamrih dan memayu hayuning bawana”. The meaning of rame ing gawe is obligation to work hard, while sepi ing pamrih means avoid the selfish traits. If both expressions are combined, they will generate a sense that the Javanese should always work hard but also have to avoid the greediness to get a reward. The last sentence, memayu hayuning bawana means that beautify the world in harmony of the cosmos.
c . The Right Understanding
Javanese sight of the inner attitude and appropriate actions based on the understanding of the right places. Those who understands his place in society, would also has the right mental attitude and therefore will act appropriately.
* In the region of Bali:
a. Balinese traditional marriage is influenced by dadia or clan and caste. The ideal marriage happens when where bride and groom are from the same dadia or at least have the same caste.The girls should not marry a lower caste boy since it will embarrass the family.
In balinese traditional wedding there are some restrictions that can not be violated. The sisters of the grooms can not marry with the brothers of his wife because the violation of this law could bring disaster. Another restrictions are the marriage of an aunt or uncle with their nephew and a marriage among siblings or step brothers and sisters.
b . During Nyepi day people are prohibited to go outside of the house, hotel or inn. They also pprohibited to turn on the lights and fire at night.
c . Prohibition when visiting Pura
- Women who are menstruating or who had just gave a birth are forbidden to enter the temple environment.
- Women are prohibited to wear shorts. For those who wear shorts they heve to cover their legs with sarung cloth which are usually provided outside the temple.
- Do not walk in front of people who are praying or performing religious rituals.
- Do not take pictures of people who are praying or monk who leads prayers by using the flash light.
d. Ethics and Politeness in Bali
- Avoid touching the other person when you're interacting.
- Do not waste water in any place. Some trees are considered sacred in Bali, usually marked with fabric ties and offerings, and it is believed to be the residence of the other-worldly beings.
- Do not mock statue (sculpture), mask, or custom objects and Balinese art.
- Respect local residents by behaveing politely.
That are the various restrictions, prohibitions, and manners when traveling to Bali
* In the region of Sunda:
a. When we pass in front of someone's house and see the house owner coincidently, we are obliged say " Punten / permisi (excuse me)".
b . When we pass in front of people who are much older and in short distance with him/her, for example, in a meeting or room, it is required to bow and set our right hand lower than the left hand as if it pick up something while saying " Punten/ permisi (excuse me)" .
c . When we eat, there should be no sound from the mouth when chewing.
d . Do not fart in front of people who are older or in front of people, especially for a girl/woman, It is highly prohibited.
e . It is prohibited to call older people with his name.
f . When parents are gathering with their guests, children should not join the conversation.
j . When talking with parents, avoid eye contact and try to listen first.
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